
Our raw materials originate mainly from the large solid pillars that we collect from the decommissioned Danish wharves. The pillars are cut along their lengths into planks. The way that we cut the pillars into planks results in two types of surfaces; sanded and rustic.

The surface finish depends on where the planks are cut from. Planks with a rustic finish are from the weathered outer layer of the pillar. The sanded planks originate from inside pillars, where they have been protected from the elements.

Most of our products are produced by default with a sanded finish, whereas the rustic surface is an option that is possible for our plank tables, coffee tables and tv furniture.

Because of the wood’s special, unique story, no two planks or pieces of furniture are alike.


The pictures shown are only examples of surfaces.
The products will vary in colours and amount of details.



// Is used as a standard for all our products.
// Especially good for Outdoor products.

Our sanded planks are cut from inside the harbour pillars, where the wood has been protected from the elements. Therefore, these planks do not have anywhere near as many details as our rustic planks.  Because this part of the pillar has been protected the entire time, these planks can be compared to new azobé wood. There can however still be historic details in these planks, such as small holes from bolts.



// Available for plank tables, coffee tables etc. 

Our rustic planks are cut from the weathered outer layer of the harbour pillars.  They can contain a considerable amount of historic details, like holes, grooves, cracks, and rustic ends. These planks can also differ considerably in colour, as each one has its own unique patina.

We do all we can to preserve these rustic details, sanding by hand. The amount of authentic marks in the rustic planks are defined as small, medium or large, where the planks with the most historic character are defined as large.


Kenneth Hansen


Kenneth Hansen


Kenneth Hansen



// Speciel surface exclusive for our Uniq table. 

Our Uniq plank tables are made from the rustic planks that were positioned on the outer layer of the harbour walls. These are our most exclusive planks, as we only have a limited amount in each harbour. They have been in the front line of the harbour, bolted to the underlying grid and therefore in direct contact with the harsh salty environment, constantly under pressure from the docking ships. Because of this, these planks are as rustic and authentic as can be. When in their presence, you cannot help but feel the history surrounding these planks.